Cigar Bargain Details:

PADILLA EXTRA VALUE MEAL $1.50/STICK….Cazadores + Fumas galore 72% off

Submitted 1 month ago by cigarpage
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At Cigar Page you’ve grown accustomed – dare I say numb – to our deals. I get it. Even for a dehydrated fella, drinking from a firehose is no picnic. How about ice cream? We all love it. But shovel it down your throat by the gallon and you forget its tasty qualities pretty quick. And while it cuts deep that some of you occasionally and shamefully shop with the bums and stooges known as our competitors from time to time – instead of sticking with us white hats exclusively – it keeps us on our toes. Which brings us to today's deal.
If you purchase something through a post on our site, we may get a small share of the sale. So, what are you waiting for?? grab some great deals and buy us some sticks!
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